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모던패밀리 시즌1_1화 표현정리 (다섯번째)

1. I didn't mean to

* I didn't mean to hurt you : 너에게 상처 주려고한게 아니었어

  I didn't mean it


2. Language!

= Watch your language! : 말조심해!


3. It was an accident



4. What did I tell you would happen if you got him a gun?

 내가 그에게 총을 사주면 어떻게 될 거라고 그랬어?

* What did I tell you would happen if ~ : 내가 ~하면 어떻게 될 거라고 그랬어?


5. Deal with this

이 상황 해결해요


6. We were serious about that?

* Are you serious? : 정말 진심이야?

ex) Are you serious about quitting? : 정말 그만 둘 거야?


7. You have to follow through

* follow through ~을 끝내다, 완수하다

ex) They didn't follow through on it : 그들은 약속을 지키지 않았다. 


8. What’s more important here?

뭐가 더 중요해요 지금!


9. He’ll be home at 2:00

ex) I’ll be home at 2:00 : 2시에 집에 있을 거예요

     What time will you be home tomorrow? : 내일 몇 시쯤에 집에 있어요?


10. I guess that works for me

* That works for me : 그건 나도 좋아! / 동감이야